Box Critters Shop – Sneak Peek
RocketSnail posted on the official Box Critters Discord today that you can have a sneak peek at the shop. This is what he had to say:
UPDATE: Getting closer to launching the new show. You are welcome to take a peek by entering the code “/shop”. This will show the shop and the available items. I still need to fix the “free item” and “next week” items.
RocketSnail also tweeted:
When you enter /shop this is what happens:

If you select an item you get this popup on if you’d like to purchase it. At present pressing yes or no doesn’t do anything.

The following items are available to purchase through the console.The console is the developer view that you can find on web browsers. Just use world.buyItem("itemId")
in the console, replacing the itemId
with the item ID. Ensure you keep the quotes. RocketSnail has said this is available to do at the moment, you will not be banned for doing this. This will take coins from your account, the amount that shows for the item.
- beard1_red
- pirate_crew_green
- pirate_bandana_pink
- backpack_green
- fedora_black
- plaid_pink
If you already have that item this notification will now show up:

UPDATE: The featured items are currently being worked on use /freeitem for now.

It looks pretty awesome, what do you think of it?