Box Critters Thanks for Playing Page & Card Game Updates
RocketSnail has added a logout page, so instead of pressing the sign out button and it saying in game ‘Disconnected from Box Critters’, it will now redirect you to a page with this:
RocketSnail has also announced the following:
UPDATE: Moving back to a single domain name for Box Critters. My goal has been to find a simple solution for development and running a single domain seems to be easier to maintain. As I learn more about modern browsers and Cloud servers it’s amazing all the tools available since I made Club Penguin. I am working on a couple ideas to help Box Critters scale. My personal goal is 1000 people in the Port. Curious if this is even possible.
What does this mean? Well Box Critters is now on a single domain, you can play the game at https://boxcritters.com/ again instead of play.boxcritters.com.
The card game has been removed and is in the process of being written in HTML 5. It’s still playable outside Box Critters at https://boxcritters.com/games/cardgame3/
You can see the page by clicking here – Cheerio for now!
Box Critters New Outfits Preview
Today it’s Mrchilly’s birthday! Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a fantastic day. He has tweeted on Twitter a few new outfits that will be coming to Box Critters soon take a look:
I love these outfits, do you? – I can’t wait for these to come out, they look amazing!
Calling Artists: Creating Rooms
Rocketsnail has tweeted on his personal account Lance Priebe calling out any artists that love to create backgrounds like Club Penguin.
The image in his tweet is the Crash Site on Box Critters. If you are available between August and September and are an artist that likes to create backgrounds like Club Penguin and would like to help Lance, make sure you reply to the tweet.
Box Critters Chat Log Progress
Box Critters have updated the chat emote icon to now show a window with a message saying they are working on a chat log. Take a look:
It’s great to see that we will get a chat log in the future! Are you looking forward to this?
Box Critters Shop Update – Shopkeeper Animation
If you open up the shop in game you will now notice the shopkeeper at the top of the window. The shopkeeper in the future will give you the ability to talk to him and unlock additional items. Take a look at the animation show far:
He is now at the top of the shop in game, looking like this:
Are you looking forward to the shopkeeper? I can’t wait to chat with him.
Box Critters New Updates – 1000 Coins (Last 7 Day Login)
Rocketsnail has announced a few new updates to Box Critters. He has given every critter who has logged in within the past 7 days 1000 coins.
RocketSnail mentioned that development is ongoing and they are working really hard on getting ways of you earning coins but in the meantime has given critters some coins.
This is what he had to say:
Thanks p1 for the screenshot. It’s great to see that Rocketsnail has hired two new developers to help and they are doing all they can to get mini-games that can earn coins!
Box Critters Free Item of the Week – Blue Plaid & New Shop Items Added
Box Critters has released a brand new item for the week. This item is a Blue Plaid. To get this item all you need to do is open the shop by walking over to the store at the Port. You can also access the shop by opening it up on the menu button or enter /freeitem into the chat.
A lot of critters have been wanting the Blue Plaid and now it’s out! – Do you like this clothing item?
Box Critters has also added three new items to the store they are:
- Army Helmet – 400 coins
- Orange Goggles – 50 coins
- Tan Pirate Dress – 100 coins
Make a Critter of your own!
Mrchilly has just posted on the Discord server a template of creating your own physical critter! This is what he had to say:
Interested in making a critter of your own? Here is a fun paper critter toy template! Just print it, cut it out, and glue it together! Big thanks to @TheFrostburner (ArcticCritter) for the wonderful cutout template. Enjoy!
Now you can download this image, cut it out, glue it together and make your own! I’ve made one, take a look:
They like my Himalayan salt lamp! You should try one as well.
Box Critters Cellar Music
Box Critters has updated the Cellar room to now include music take a listen:
Screenhog made this music for the room and it sounds fantastic! What do you think of the song?
Box Critters New Room – Shack
Box Critters has released a brand new room. To join this room use the command /join shack or alternatively walk up to this area at the Port:
It looks amazing don’t you think? – Make sure you join the room and check it out!