Box Critters – New Item – Doctor Mask
RocketSnail has mentioned in game a new item that you can collect. It is a doctors mask! In order to get this item all you need to do is enter in the chat /StaySafe
Make sure you are staying safe with this pandemic going on!
Box Critters Free Item of the Week – Potato Sack & New Shop Items Added #3
Monday is approaching and a new item of the week has been released. This week it’s the Potato Sack. To get to the shop, walk over to the shop at The Port.
Free Item – Potato Sack Box Critters has released some new items in the shop as well. They are:
- Red Pirate Captain – 100 coins
- Mermaid Body Blue – 100 coins
- Brown Full Beard – 20 coins
Do you like these items? Leave me a comment and let me know! -
Box Critters New Outfit – Space Kiddo Coming Soon
Mrchilly has posted on the official Discord channel a new sneak peek of a new upcoming outfit. It is a Space Kiddo Outfit:
I absolutely love this! Are you excited to see this outfit be added to Box Critters?
Box Critters News – Next Event (Summer Party) & More
RocketSnail has posted an update on the general channel on Discord. This is what he had to say:
Hey everyone! I guess summer is officially here. The Box Critters team is busy working on a summer party. My guess is we will launch it late next week. For those that missed it Uncle Sam hat his available for a limited time. Please use the code /July4th to unlock.
Minigame development is going well. I have reached out to a number of talented HTML5 developers and we hope to have more to share in the coming week.
I have been busy reworking the Combat Card Game to work within the world. The goal is to have the Battle overlay appear when you encounter a monster in the world.
The twins have been busy working on the new volcano dungeon and helping me explore an amazing opportunity.
PapaD and MrChilly continue to focus on amazing items and outfits.
MrPants is building a prototype for a multiplayer game that I wanted to build for Club Penguin but we never did it. The early builds are super awesome.
The next event will be a Summer Party! That’s fantastic, I’m looking forward to it. The team are also working hard on mini games! Are you excited for the Summer Party?
Happy 4th of July! – Uncle Sam Hat
Box Critters have released The Uncle Sam hat that is available for a limited time for the 4th of July. This is the tweet:
Enter into the chat /July4th or /Happy4th to get the item.
Happy 4th of July to my American friends!
Box Critters – New Staff Member – Tim Rollinson
Box Critters have now hired a new staff member. Tim has been contracted to help create a minigame under the contract he has been given.
It’s fantastic to see that Tim has been hired, he’s a skilled person and a fellow Brit. It’s great to have Tim on board the Box Critters team.
Congratulations Tim! -
Box Critters Dark Mode Monthly Free Item – Black Goatee
It’s a new month, meaning the Dark Mode item has released a new item. This being a Black Goatee. It’s available up until the last day of July. To get this type /darkmode into the chat.
Happy Canada Day! – White Toque Free Item
It’s Canada Day and to celebrate on Box Critters they have released a clothing item. The clothing item is a white toque! To get this item just enter /madeincanada in the chat bar.
Happy Canada Day!
Box Critters – The Latest News
RocketSnail has given an update on the announcement channel on the official Box Critters discord. This is what he had to say:
MONDAY: This week I am busy working on chat logs (which includes profiles, mute and report), minigames, server scaling and new registration system. The twins are busy creating rooms, new games and a secret opportunity. PapaD is busy on summer clothing. Pants is working on a multiplayer game prototype. Oh and Chilly is busy on summer outfits. Cosplay outfits and back to school.
It’s great to see the whole team are focused on getting many aspects of Box Critters up and going. I wonder what this ‘secret opportunity’ is? – What do you think it is?
Which update are you looking forward to seeing?
Box Critters Free Item of the Week – Pink Pirate Hat & New Shop Items Added #2
Monday is approaching and a new item of the week has been released. This week it’s the Pink Pirate Hat. To get to the shop, walk over to the shop at The Port.
- Pirate Vest – 100 coins
- Pink Superhero Cape – 50 coins
- Blue Shark – 400 coins
- Pink Pirate Hat – /freeitem
What new item do you like the best?